
Archive for December, 2020

How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You

December 23, 2020 Leave a comment

When people talk about code reviews, they focus on the reviewer. But the developer who writes the code is just as important to the review as the person who reads it. There’s scarcely any guidance on preparing your code for review, so authors often screw up this process out of sheer ignorance.

This article describes best practices for participating in a code review when you’re the author. In fact, by the end of this post, you’re going to be so good at sending out your code for review that your reviewer will literally fall in love with you.

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Packaging Python Projects

December 5, 2020 Leave a comment

This tutorial walks you through how to package a simple Python project. It will show you how to add the necessary files and structure to create the package, how to build the package, and how to upload it to the Python Package Index.

Categories: Interesting

Logging, Flask, and Gunicorn… the Manageable Way

December 4, 2020 Leave a comment

Logging is one topic that some (many?) find boring. But something we can all agree on is that it is absolutely vital to software development and operations. Beginners to Flask (a lightweight but powerful Python web framework) may be disappointed to find that print() doesn’t do exactly what they’d hope it would do, like in their CLI applications.

Flask requires that we rely heavily on the native logging functionality of Python. But when we stack a different WSGI (web server gateway interface) HTTP server on top of Flask, the confusion gets even more… confusing.

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How to answer questions in a helpful way

December 3, 2020 Leave a comment

Your coworker asks you a slightly unclear question. How do you answer? I think asking questions is a skill (see How to ask good questions) and that answering questions in a helpful way is also a skill! Both of them are super useful.

To start out with – sometimes the people asking you questions don’t respect your time, and that sucks. I’m assuming here throughout that that’s not what happening – we’re going to assume that the person asking you questions is a reasonable person who is trying their best to figure something out and that you want to help them out. Everyone I work with is like that and so that’s the world I live in 🙂

Here are a few strategies for answering questions in a helpful way!

Categories: Interesting